We got out on the Pawley's Island pier a few times last week, and Jack enjoyed getting to sit up on the bench and help Bud man the rods. Nothing biting on our bait, but a young boy a few yards down landed a nice sized ray, probably two feet wide or more. Jack got to touch it before they threw it back - he reported that it was "slimy - and flapping its flippers." Indeed it was.
Sam enjoyed the outing as well, while Jack passed the time fishing by filling Bud's ear with endless "conversation" - I swear, this kid can really spin a tall tale. At one point as we were walking back, Jack said: "Daddy, Bud didn't catch any fish." To which I faithfully replied, "Son, that's what fishing is all about sometimes." Puzzled and looking as if I didn't hear him correctly the first time, Jack said, more emphatically: "Daddy - Bud DIDN'T catch any fish!"
Sigh. The naivete of youth.
Pawley's Pier, August 8, 2013.